Propeller from Show-me

You may be wondering why you have ended up on here after visiting the Propeller website?
Well rest assured that you have arrived at the right place.
Why is this happening?
If you are familiar with both the Show-me and Propeller brands, then you’ll know that the Show-me range focuses on resources to help you teach, whereas Propeller leads the way in curriculum activities. Combining these 2 brands gives you a much wider range of products in one store
When does this happen?
The main transition has already been completed; however, the whole process will be finished by the end of January 2023. This includes already bringing over the entire range of Rapid Recall A3 Whiteboards and, for those who want instant access to resources we are now launching all the digital download products as FREE items on a rolling monthly schedule. So, make sure that you come back regularly to see what’s new.
What about previous purchases?
This change should only affect those who purchased digital download products from the Propeller site, as these have not been migrated over. After looking at the number of customers that this affects, we have determined that as a much smaller portion of the site, that we will deal with these on a one-to-one basis, so if you are affected by this transition, please contact the web team using the form at the bottom of this page.
What about pricing?
As part of the move we decided to not only bring over a huge range of products and offer them for free, but we have also rolled back the prices for A3 Rapid Recall Whiteboards, YAY!
This means that you can now kit your school for less. A Monster Pack is now £769.00 + VAT with Show-me, compared to direct from Propeller at £1141.20 + VAT, saving you £372.20.
To see all of the Rapid Recall packs avilable, visit Whiteboards > Rapid Recall or use the button below
Prices quoted are based on the listed price on the Propeller website during 2021.
Other than Rapid Recall, where are the other products?
We have taken the decision to convert all other products from the Propeller range, that could be utilised on site using a printer, into digital download products only. These will for the initial launch be part of the free monthly downloads running all year.
How does the monthly digital downloads work?
At the beginning of each month a number of products will be released onto the site for download, these will be available to everyone. An account will be required to revisit your downloads; however you can download as many of the products as you like by filling in only your name and email address as part of an express basket process.
The downloads will be released in a random order but will always include products for multiple age ranges (if the number of products available permits). Across 2023 we expect to release over 2000 free resources that used to be paid for, saving you money while still helping to teach your students in an engaging way.
The downloads will be released in a random order but will always include products for multiple age ranges (if the number of products available permits). Across 2023 we expect to release over 2000 free resources that used to be paid for, saving you money while still helping to teach your students in an engaging way.
The answers portal
If you’re looking at the Rapid Recall Boards and getting worried about how long it will take them to mark them then don’t panic, it is super easy!
The answers portal has been designed to be as easy to use as possible, with no logins or apps to download.
If you chose one number for the whole class you may want to get the answers up on the interactive whiteboard, if there is a mix of numbers in the class then making sure the pupils can access tablets or laptops after completing the boards.
Previously purchased from the Propeller website
If you have purchased a digital download product from the Propeller website, and need to download the products again, email and a member of the web team will be in contact.