Cleaners - Show-Me Direct UK


What is the best whiteboard eraser?

Cleaners Cleaners Inspiration Inspiration

The Show-me Lab has investigated the different types of whiteboard eraser. Read the full article >

Cleaning Whiteboards: Is it a Task for Robots?

Cleaners Cleaners

We investigated if a machine could effectively clean a whiteboard. Read the full article >

Show-me MAGIX & Step 2 Whiteboard Cleaner what’s the difference?

Cleaners Cleaners

Find out the difference and why using MAGIX for routine cleaning might not be the best plan. Read the full article >

Removing permanent marker from whiteboards

Cleaners Cleaners

Try these methods to remove permanent marker from your whiteboard. Read the full article >

What is Show-me Magix and how to use it?

Cleaners Cleaners

MAGIX can be used on all mini whiteboards as well as wall mounted. Read the full article >